Accounting & Tax

Doing Business As (DBA)

Doing Business As (DBA) refers to a fictitious name or trade name that a business can use instead of its legal name or the name of its legal business entity.

What it is: Doing Business As (DBA) refers to a fictitious name or trade name that a business can use instead of its legal name or the name of its legal business entity. Registering a DBA allows businesses to operate under a different name, providing flexibility and branding options when interacting with customers and clients.

Why it is important: A DBA is important for businesses that want to operate under a name other than their legal name. It allows businesses to create a distinct brand identity, expand into new markets, or engage in specific business activities under a different name while maintaining the legal protections associated with their legal business entity.

Formulas: There are no specific formulas associated with DBA registration.

How to use it in the context of startups: Startups can use a DBA to establish a unique brand identity or operate multiple business lines under different names. Registering a DBA enables startups to legally use and promote their chosen business name while complying with local regulations and maintaining the benefits of their legal business entity.

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