
Fair Market Value (FMV)

Fair Market Value (FMV) represents the current value of a company's common shares or other assets. For public companies, FMV can be determined by the current stock price

What it is: Fair Market Value (FMV) represents the current value of a company's common shares or other assets. For public companies, FMV can be determined by the current stock price. However, for private companies, an independent appraisal or a 409A valuation may be required to determine FMV accurately.

Why it is essential: FMV is necessary for financial and tax-related purposes. It helps determine the value of company shares or assets in situations such as equity transactions, mergers, and acquisitions, fundraising, employee stock options, or tax reporting. Determining FMV is crucial for ensuring fair and transparent transactions and complying with regulatory and tax requirements.

Formulas: There are no specific formulas associated with FMV. The determination of FMV may involve various valuation methods, such as market, income, or asset-based approaches, depending on the nature of the assets or shares being valued.

How to use it in the context of startups: Startups can use FMV to determine the value of their shares or assets in different scenarios. This includes pricing employee stock options, negotiating equity deals with investors, or assessing the company's value in potential acquisitions or mergers. Startups should work with qualified professionals, such as appraisers or valuation experts, to determine FMV accurately and ensure compliance with relevant regulations and standards.

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