Startup Terminology

Minimum Viable Product (MVP)

An MVP is the initial version of a product that includes essential features and functionalities.

What it is: An MVP is the initial version of a product that includes essential features and functionalities. It is released to the market to gather feedback and validate the product-market fit before investing further resources.

Why it is important: MVPs allow startups to test their product hypothesis, validate customer demand, and minimize the risk of building a product that may not resonate with the market. By releasing an MVP, startups can collect valuable feedback from early adopters, iterate on their product, and make informed decisions about product development and resource allocation.

Formulas: There are no specific formulas associated with MVPs.

How to use it in the context of startups: Startups should consider adopting an MVP approach to product development. By focusing on essential features and launching a minimal version of their product, startups can quickly gather user feedback, iterate based on market response, and save resources by avoiding extensive development of features that may not be necessary or well-received. MVPs help startups validate their ideas, refine their product-market fit, and mitigate the risk of building products that do not meet customer needs.

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